5 reasons making the Moving Series truly unique
Deciding on the right putting solution for your home, studio, facility, or any other setting can be quite difficult. Depending on your needs, multiple products can help accomplish your goals, and one very popular option is a moving platform. Despite its adaptable slope, here are five reasons why our Moving Series is the right choice for you.

What does it take to get a high-quality, state-of-the-art, putting green into your space? That is a question many of our potential customers ask themselves. Especially for coaches or new facilities, the decision is based on hard facts. They have to decide which features and tools will create the best experience for their customers while also generating revenue. This decision is not always easy and a lot of times also an issue of available space. If they decide to build a large green, this green will have to generate a certain amount of money per square foot and they may have to decide between a large green or another hitting bay. Many don’t realize, however, that it doesn’t have to be a large green for it to be effective. All it takes is a minimum space requirement of 8’x12’ ft and what you get in return is an interactive moving platform that sets you apart from your competitors. And even if you are looking for a space within your private home, 8’x12 ft is a very attainable space requirement while looking for a truly unique practice and gaming area.

2. Next level coaching and learning experience
Setting yourself apart and being unique, is precisely what brings us to the next point. Many golfers have difficulties understanding the concept of a putt without any visuals to rely on. Differentiating between read, line, and speed errors can be a lot more difficult without visual aids. The Moving Series will change that issue for coaches and players alike. Your clients can practice all slope scenarios from right-to-left, left-to-right, uphill, and downhill putts with immediate visual feedback and it will enhance not only their learning experience, but also your overall lesson. They will learn the effect that break and speed have on their ball while realizing the various components of a successful putt. In return, you can easily teach them your concept of putting in an intuitive and very simple way. Instead of trying to find words to make the invisible visible to them, you can show it on the greens and come up with your own games and practices. This is one sure way for your clients to keep coming back for more.

3. At home practice with real life scenarios
When practicing, the main goal is to recreate scenarios you encounter on the golf course that are as close to the real-world situation as possible. For a putting green, this means you are looking for slopes ranging anywhere from straight to 5%. This gives you the most essential breaks you will have to face on the golf course. In addition, you will need uphill and downhill putts, as those fall into the next category of putts you can face on the course. And of course, any combination of the two. The Moving Series will give you exactly that. With up to 3% uphill and downhill scenarios, you can also combine the full range of motion to either left-to-right or right-to-left putts. This gives you the full flexibility to recreate almost any putt on any green on your Moving Series. No matter if you want to replay a winning putt from a Major Championship or if you are looking to finally get confident on putts you often face on your home course, the Moving Series gives you the flexibility you need in order to create a practice routine that makes a difference for you.

4. A one stop solution
Another crucial point on your way to deciding on a setup that fits your needs is what that product entails. What seems simple, often ends up being not so simple at all. A lot of times companies offer a product that in turn requires you to hire and work with many subcompanies and contractors. With the Moving Series you get a one stop solution in all senses. It is a fully integrated, German-engineered, high precision and quality product which will help you upgrade your or your clients putting practice in no time. Everything from the initial sales process, installation, support, software, and hardware comes from PuttView and will be handled by PuttView. We will guide you along the way making sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible and to ensure you get the most out of your PuttView system.
5. The all-encompassing putting improvement solution
The PuttView Moving Series is the only all-encompassing putting improvement solution on the market. But what does that even mean? As mentioned above, it can be quite tricky for golfers to figure out why they can’t seem to improve their putting even if they are of the rare kind who actually practice their putting. This problem has multiple layers. And it starts with not knowing the source of their mistakes. Are you able to start your ball on your intended line? Can you control the speed of the putt properly and consistently? Are you able to read the green correctly? Which break do you struggle with most and why? Those are all questions you could ask yourself and most golfers will not have answers to most or all of them. The Putt Test on the Moving Series can easily help you change that. The test is designed to identify your weaknesses and strengths by giving you a total of 36 putts on various slopes and distances with no visuals on the green. Once you have completed those putts, you will see the areas you struggle with most, which areas you are very strong in, as well as get a PuttView Handicap which helps track your improvement over time. The result of the test can in turn be used to build an efficient practice schedule for yourself or your clients to build on the most essential skills of putting: Read, line, and speed. In combination with the statistics you get with each and every practice session you create this makes the Moving Series an extremely powerful putting improvement solution with a valuable feedback loop and real progress.

Those are just a few reasons why the Moving Series is the right setup for your needs! If you are ready to #JoinTheMovement and want to learn more about how to get your project with us started, head to our Moving Series site.
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